OCPRA Roundtables

The Roundtables offer an opportunity to share ideas and learn from your colleagues. There are eight tables, each with a unique topic and a moderator. Choose carefully – tables switch every eight minutes!

  • Social Media – Share best practices with colleagues, get advice on specific platforms and discuss strategy.   
  • Media Relations – Share ideas and best practices for writing and distributing press releases, pitching, responding to media, and cultivating relationships.
  • Branding – Discuss campus integration, graphic standards, marketing research, enforcement and handling “brand fatigue.”
  • Publications – Discuss tips and best practices for campus publications - print or online, current trends in viewbooks and other recruitment materials and more.  
  • Supporting the Bottom Line – As state funding and/or other monetary support dwindles, higher education institutions are looking for ways to generate revenue. Share ideas how your office position itself as a strategic partner in recruitment, budgeting and other revenue-generating activities.
  • Credentialing/Advancement for Communicators – You, too, can have acronyms after your name! Discuss options for advancing your career with a master’s degree, accreditation and/or certifications.
  • Planning and Measurement – Examine best practices for creating and implementing PR and strategic plans and measuring results.
  • “Get It Off Your Chest” – Talk about an issue not covered at another table and lend a sympathetic ear to colleagues.